A Parametric Study with Exergy Cost Sensitivity Analysis and Life-Cycle Assessment for a Cogeneration Steam Power Cycle

Malik F. Elmzughi*, Elham Musa Radwan **, Mawadda A. Bahoor ***, Elhadi Ibrahim Dekam ****
*-**** Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya.
Periodicity:November - January'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jps.8.4.17928


In this paper, exergy, exergoeconomic, and exergy cost sensitivity analyses of a cogeneration steam power plant cycle and a parametric study were carried out based on the exergy cost theory. The mathematical models were developed and presented regarding mass, energy, exergy, and economy. The thermodynamic properties and research analyses are done by employing the THERMAX, EXCEL and MathWorks software packages. The analyses leads to have valuable economic status benchmarks. The exergoeconomic factor, total cost of exergy loss, and unit cost of steam and cost of work were determined. The parametric study has been conducted, considering the effects of the annual working number of hours, interest rate, boiler maximum temperature, and environmental temperature. The exergoeconomic factor, total cost, unit costs of work and steam, rise with the escalation in the interest rate, while they drop with the rise in the annual working number of hours. The exergoeconomic factor and total cost are 0.5 and 9,000 $/h, respectively, for the considered normal operating status, while the unit costs of work and steam are 0.025 $/kWh and 0.035 $/kWh, respectively, for an interest rate of 14%. The achieved present results could lead site engineers, operators, and management to effectively establish an upgrade for the energy-related cycle performance.


Energy, Exergy, Exergy Destruction, Energetic Efficiency, Exergoeconomic Factor, Total Cost, Sensitivity Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Elmzughi, M. F., Radwan, E. M., Bahoor, M. A., and Dekam, E. I. (2021). A Parametric Study with Exergy Cost Sensitivity Analysis and Life-Cycle Assessment for a Cogeneration Steam Power Cycle. i-manager's Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 8(4), 18-28. https://doi.org/10.26634/jps.8.4.17928


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