What do Eyes Tell about First Language Reading Development: An Eye Movement Analysis of Poor and Skilled Readers

Hülya Kodan *, Emrah Dolgunsoz **
* Department of Primary Education, Bayburt University, Turkey.
** Department of Foreign Language Education, Bayburt University, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.18.2.17919


First language literacy is a prerequisite both for proper formal education and second language learning. When children start school, not all of them succeed in learning reading perfectly; for some of them, it may take more time to reach the desired reading proficiency. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the first language oral reading behaviors of poor readers among 3rd graders. For this purpose, reading comprehension levels and reading behaviors along with eye movements of eight poor readers were investigated. A narrative text suitable for the grade level was utilized to determine the reading skills and analyzed through IRI and Ekwall and Shanker Reading Inventory. Additionally, the eye movements of 8 adult skilled readers were recorded for comparison. Reading speed, word recognition rates, reading errors and comprehension scores were analyzed along with dwell time, fixations and total time spent on each word. Results showed that poor readers had viable difficulties in comprehension and made frequent reading errors which were also accompanied by a low word recognition rate. Poor readers also exhibited inflated eye movement parameters when compared to adult skilled readers. The results were discussed regarding poor reading ability, dyslexia and possible pedagogical interventions.


Eye Tracking, Reading, Comprehension, Poor Readers, Primary School.

How to Cite this Article?

Kodan, H., and Dolgunsoz, E. (2021). What do Eyes Tell about First Language Reading Development: An Eye Movement Analysis of Poor and Skilled Readers. i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology, 18(2), 9-21. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.18.2.17919


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