In this article, the practitioners/academicians examine leaders who embrace and practice the value of integrity from the Confucian perspective in South East Asia, more so, in the Brunei context. From Confucius comes the emphasis on leadership with integrity which is linked to positive, harmonious relationships as well as to the values of benevolence and reciprocity that bring many benefits to business prosperity. The practice of Confucian teachings can bring much peace, learning, and growth for business sustainability.


The Value of Integrity, the Confucian Perspective

Sik-Liong Ang*, Patrick Kim Cheng Low**
* Research Assistant, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
** Associate, University of South Australia.
Periodicity:March - May'2012


In this article, the practitioners/academicians examine leaders who embrace and practice the value of integrity from the Confucian perspective in South East Asia, more so, in the Brunei context. From Confucius comes the emphasis on leadership with integrity which is linked to positive, harmonious relationships as well as to the values of benevolence and reciprocity that bring many benefits to business prosperity. The practice of Confucian teachings can bring much peace, learning, and growth for business sustainability.


Leaders, Integrity, Confucian, Benevolence (?, rén), kindness, humaneness.

How to Cite this Article?

Sik-Liong Ang and Patrick Kim Cheng Low (2012). The Value Of Integrity, The Confucian Perspective. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 6(4), 1-10.


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