Pre-Service English Language Teachers’ Multimodal Literacy and their use of ICT during Practicum

Hilal Tunçkol*, Hulyaipek**
*-** Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Periodicity:April - June'2021


Due to technological developments, “literacy” is redefined as “multimodal literacy". Multimodal literacy has also become a part of the educational system in order to bring variety to the class room and to improve the quality of education in general. Hence, this study investigated the multimodal literacy level of pre-service English language teachers and the relationship between multimodal literacy and gender. It also aimed to determine the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) use of prospective teachers during their practicum while teaching English as a foreign language. It was conducted with 100 senior year ELT (English Language Teaching) students and a multimodal literacy scale was used to determine the multimodal literacy level of prospective teachers. A questionnaire was used to collect data on the ICT courses taken by the participants and their use of ICT during their practicum. Results revealed that the participants had high multimodal literacy but did not indicate any significant relationship between multimodal literacy and gender. Results also showed that the majority used ICT during practicum even though more than half of the participants had never taken an ICT course throughout their training, which is very promising for the multimodal literacy of future teachers.


English Language Teaching, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), Multimodal Literacy, Pre-Service Teachers.

How to Cite this Article?

Tunckol, H., and Hulyaipek. (2021). Pre-Service English Language Teachers' Multimodal Literacy and their use of ICT during Practicum. i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology, 18(1), 38-46.


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