Curriculum and its Role in the Development of Moral and Patriotism Values Amid the Youth

Hussein A. Al-Najjar *, Mohaned Ghazi Abed **
*-** King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Periodicity:May - July'2021


The present study aims to identify the effect of curricula on developing national values in King Abdulaziz University students in relation to some variables, gender (male, female), specialization (arts vs. science), level of education (diploma, B.A./B.Sc., graduate studies). For the purpose of the current study, a questionnaire with 25 items divided into three subscales (academic curricula; students' activities and faculty members) was used. The research sample consisted of 319 students. The study found that the effect of curricula on values was high in general. As to the variable of gender, there were no significant differences in all subscales. With respect to the variable of specialization (arts vs. science), statistically significant differences were found in the Curricula and Faculty Members subscales in favor of the arts specializations. Finally, in terms of level of education (diploma, B.A./B.Sc., M.A./M.Sc.) there were no significant differences in all subscales.


Curricula, National Values, Youth, Patriotism Values, Moral Values.

How to Cite this Article?

Al-Najjar, H. A., and Abed, M. G. (2021). Curriculum and its Role in the Development of Moral and Patriotism Values Amid the Youth. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 15(1), 43-54.


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