Strengthening of Self Compacting Concrete Columns Partially Wrapped with Layers of Jute Fiber

Shashi Kumar *, Vageesh H. P. **
* Department of Structural Engineering, R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India.
** Department of Civil Engineering at R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2021


Self compacting concrete is also referred as super workable concrete as well as highly flowable concrete which are widely used as innovative material in the fast growing construction industry because of its hardened and fresh state properties. In recent days availability of river sand is less and also focus is more on sustainability development and hence there arose a situation for developing an alternative material by using the industrial waste. In this research work, complete replacement of natural sand by processed slag sand and the properties of SCC determined by using Nan-su method of mix design with incorporating EFNARC guidelines. At present days, the favorite material for the column strengthening is fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). The construction industry requires the sustainable development along with increase in strength. Therefore, column is wrapped by using natural jute fiber by varying number of wrapping layers and the structural behaviour of columns are assessed. A three-dimensional finite element (FE) model has been developed to simulate the behaviour of rectangular SCC columns wrapped with jute fiber. The developed FE model is validated by comparing the loaddisplacement responses which verifies the model to use in future. The FEA results are obtained in terms of axial load vs. axial displacement, axial load-axial strain. The numerical analysis developed by ANSYS displayed a very close simulation and deflection is compared with test results at the same load.


Strengthening of Columns, SCC, Slag Sand, FEM Modeling, ANSYS

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, S., and Vageesh, H. P. (2021). Strengthening of Self Compacting Concrete Columns Partially Wrapped with Layers of Jute Fiber. i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 9(4), 40-49.


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