Adaptive PI and Optimized PI Controllers to Enhance Switched Reluctance Motor Performance

Mahmoud Abdallah Attia*, Mohamed Mokhtar **
*-** Department of Electric Power and Machines, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Periodicity:October - December'2020


Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) suffers from current ripples and speed oscillations due to variations in loading conditions. Most of researches focus on enhancing the performance of SRM through speed and current controllers. This paper proposes two relatively new strategies to enhance the performance of the SRM. First one is optimizing the gain of classical proportional integral (PI) controller using sine-cosine optimization (SCO). The other strategy is to use adaptive PI controller. The proposed techniques are evaluated under several loading conditions with the proposed strategies applied in the current control system. The results deduced the superiority of adaptive controller under all loading conditions presented.


SCO, Adaptive PI, PI Controller, SRM.

How to Cite this Article?

Attia, M. A., and Mokhtar, M. (2020). Adaptive PI and Optimized PI Controllers to Enhance Switched Reluctance Motor Performance. i-manager's Journal on Electrical Engineering, 14(2), 1-8.


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