th Grade English language course book of Turkey was used to collect data. The data were content analyzed. The findings indicated that three themes of the course books are related to inclusive education through reading passages, listening, speaking and writing activities. The findings have also shown that respecting and caring for other people, supporting and valuing equality and promoting tolerance were the inclusive values included in the course books. The findings were discussed, and suggestions for further studies were made.


Inclusive Education and Inclusive Values in English Language Course Books

Ahmet Erdost Yastibas*
Gazi University, Turkey.
Periodicity:March - May'2021


Every student is different, has his own strengths and weaknesses, and learns in his own ways. Some of them have diverse learning needs due to several reasons such as disabilities, gender and race. This makes inclusive education significant because it values all students with their differences and aims to provide them with what they need to succeed. As a branch of education, English language teaching can be used to teach and support inclusive education. One way to do this is by using English language course books. The literature review indicates that English language course books were not evaluated in terms of inclusive education. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the English language course books in terms of inclusive education. It was designed as a qualitative study. The 9th Grade English language course book of Turkey was used to collect data. The data were content analyzed. The findings indicated that three themes of the course books are related to inclusive education through reading passages, listening, speaking and writing activities. The findings have also shown that respecting and caring for other people, supporting and valuing equality and promoting tolerance were the inclusive values included in the course books. The findings were discussed, and suggestions for further studies were made.


Inclusive Education; Inclusive Values; English Language Teaching; English Language Course Books.

How to Cite this Article?

Yastibas, A. E. (2021). Inclusive Education and Inclusive Values in English Language Course Books. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 16(4), 12-19.


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