An Analysis of the Philosophies of English Language Instructors Working in English Preparatory Units

Kübra YAZGI*, Aydan Irgatoglu**
* Foreign Languages Department, Ufuk University, Ankara, Turkey.
** School of Foreign Languages, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2021


This research aims to determine the educational philosophies adopted by the instructors working in English Preparatory Units and to examine whether these preferences differ according to the selected variables. Within this frame work, the aim is to reveal the relationship between the educational philosophy which the instructors adopted and the independent variables such as their BA major, the type of university (state/private) they work for, their seniority and their gender. The study group of this research comprises of English instructors working in English Preparatory Units of state and private universities in Ankara during the 2019-2020 academic year. The study-was conducted with 211 voluntary English instructors. The research data were collected through a Likert-type scale called “Philosophy Preference Assessment” developed by Wiles and Bondi (2007, pp. 329-330). In this research, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and quantitative data analysis techniques (Mann Whitney U, Kruskall Wallis H) were used and the findings were interpreted. The result of the study is that experimentalism has the highest mean while perennialism has the lowest, and also there is no meaningful relationship between the educational philosophy adopted by the instructors and the selected variables. The result is projected as a contribution to the curriculum of School of Foreign Languages (SFL) and its in-service training programs.


Educational Philosophies, Teaching English, Preparatory Unit, English Language Instructors.

How to Cite this Article?

Yazgi, K. and Irgatoglu, A. (2021). An Analysis of the Philosophies of English Language Instructors Working in English Preparatory Units. i-manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 11(3), 5264.


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