Design and Analysis of an Off-Road All-Terrain Vehicle Roll Cage

Akhil Yuvaraj Manda*, Jithendra Sai Raja Chada **, Ganesh Nathipam ***
*-*** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pragati Engineering College, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2021


The discussed work studies the static analysis for an all-terrain roll cage vehicle in terms of impact, displacement, stress, and factor of safety along all the sides of the chassis considered. The solid mock-up of the roll cage is conceived and evaluated using Solidworks software. The simulations for the different conditions such as front, rear, side, and topple, has been performed. The discussed work intends to deliver an optimum design with an accountable factor of safety, stress, and displacement value to contribute to the safety and durability of the roll cage. The obtained results depicted the accuracy as per the SAE guidelines and can be applied in terms of the production of the vehicle for an event.


Roll Cage, Static Analysis, Factor of Safety, Stresses, Displacement.

How to Cite this Article?

Manda , A. Y., Chada, J. S. R., and Nathipam, G. (2021). Design and Analysis of an Off-Road All-Terrain Vehicle Roll Cage. i-manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 11(2), 10-15.


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