Robotics Professional Development

Jale Aldemir*, Angelia Reid-Griffin **, Amelia Moody ***, Daisyane Barreto ****, Carmen Sidbury *****
* New Jersey City University, New Jersey, United States.
**-***** University of North Carolina Wilmington, North Carolina, United States.
Periodicity:March - May'2021


It is critical that educators consider ways to enhance Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in the classroom to prepare future generations for growing STEM jobs. Occupational fields that benefit from knowledge and practice in STEM education are experiencing instant growth, and consequently employers are seeking ways to fill essential job positions. Some educators are embracing this challenge and working with children using Educational Robotics (ER), which is the use of robotics to teach students to be familiar with and understand robotics and programming while enhancing their academic skills. Various efforts are underway to provide educators with the muchneeded training in an efficient manner. Online instruction is one such method for providing Professional Development (PD) in educational research, so teachers can learn basic knowledge online, and then practice creative lessons in the classroom. This article describes an online robotics PD introducing preservice and in-service teachers to foundations of educational robotics.


Professional Development, Robotics, Online Training, Educational Robotics.

How to Cite this Article?

Aldemir, J., Reid-Griffin, A., Moody, A., Barreto, D., and Sidbury, C. (2021). Robotics Professional Development. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 16(4), 1-11.


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