Development of Smart Electronic System to Implement Smart Home

Aparna M. Pawar *, J. D. Deshpande **, S. N. Patil ***
*-*** Department of Electronics, Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


Smart homes and home automation are analogue terms used in reference to a wide range of solutions for controlling, monitoring of internal environmental parameters and automating various functions of the home. Deploying novel embedded technology, the smart system is designed, with AVR ATmega 32 microcontroller. The research is specifically focused on the development of a precise and stable system for monitoring and controlling the temperature, light intensity, humidity, human interference, etc. for home automation. The system provides controlling of cooler fan and heaters, measurement of light intensity and controlling of both internal and external lights of garden or strait light, measurement of humidity and domestic gas leakage detection system. A highly precise humidity sensor SY-HS-220, temperature sensor LM 35, LDR, MQ-6, and PIR are employed for this purpose. The signal conditioning circuit is wired with single power supply operated CMOS operational amplifier TLV 274. The firmware is designed in embedded C, using CodeVisionAVR, the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The designed system is implemented to monitor and control the parameters and the results are interpreted in this paper.


AVR ATmega32, Humidity Sensor, Temperature Sensor, MQ-6, PIR.

How to Cite this Article?

Pawar, A. M., Deshpande, J. D., and Patil, S. N. (2020). Development of Smart Electronic System to Implement Smart Home. i-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 8(1), 15-26.


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