Self - Esteem and Body Image: A Correlational Study

Anamika Rai*, Aarti Bhardwaj **, Tamanna Nohwal ***
*-*** Department of Applied Psychology, Shyama Prasad Mukherji College, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Periodicity:June - August'2020


Self esteem is an important aspect in everyone's life and synonymous with respect, regard and acceptance towards oneself. Body image is a crucial element contributing to the development of self concept and self esteem. This study tries to understand the relationship between the two. In this paper it is hypothesized that high self Esteem will lead to positive body Image, leading to a peaceful journey in one's life. For exploring the same, a sample of 80 undergraduate female students were selected via purposive sampling method. Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale (Morris Rosenberg) and The Body Image Questionnaire (Bruchon-Schweitzer (BIQ), based on five point ratings were used to collect the data. Descriptive and inferential analysis were used to analyze the data. Results discuss the relationship between self esteem and body image. Future implications of this research has also been highlighted.


Body Image, Adulthood, Self Esteem, Gender, Psycho-Social Factors, Inner Peace.

How to Cite this Article?

Rai , A., Bhardwaj , A., and Nohwal, T. (2020). Self - Esteem and Body Image: A Correlational Study. i-manager's Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences, 1(4), 33-42.


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