Comparative Study of Different Medical Images with Noise Based On Morphology

V. Kalpana*, T. Surendra Nath**, Vijaya Kishore***
* PG Student, Communication Systems, SITAMS, Chittoor.
** PG Student, Communication Systems, SITAMS, Chittoor.
*** Professor, Department of ECE, SITAMS, Chittoor.
Periodicity:February - April'2012


Medical images are diagnosed and demonstrated with their regional structures. Edge detection is a fundamental element in the field of image processing and computer vision for the extraction of features. Edge detection identifies and captures sharp intensity changes in an image. Medical image edge detection focus on object recognition of human organs. To detect the severity of disease several medical approaches like CT, MRI, PET, US and DICOM can be used. In this paper performance of CT and DICOM images using morphology and edge detection algorithms are evaluated in noisy environment. A comparision of different edge detecting algorithms by using several noises is performed and evaluated based on correlation coefficient and PSNR. The outcomes evaluate the resistivity of operators in presence of noise.


Edge detection, CT, DICOM, Noise, Morphology, PSNR.

How to Cite this Article?

Kalpana, V., Nath, T. S., and Kishore, V. V. (2012). Comparative Study Of Different Medical Images With Noise Based On Morphology. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 1(2), 27-35.


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