Transient Stability Enhancement by using Statcom and Stabilizer for Multi Machine Power System Network

Ajay Kumar Tiwari*, Shimpy Ralhan **, Mahesh Singh ***, Dovendra Kumar Verma ****
*-**** Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Shri Shankracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2020


In this paper, the performance of the four machine six bus system rotor angle with static synchronous compensator and different controllers like genetic power system stabilizer and multiband PSS have been analysed. By using STATCOM and multi band power system stabilizer, damping oscillations of the system rotor angle are improved which helps to improve efficiency of the power system network. It will be more effective for large power system network because cost of the STATCOM is high, so for small system it is costly as compared to SVC. Four generator systems is to be taken for the analysis of the generator rotor angle oscillations which is also called multi machine system. For this analysis we are using the software MATLAB/SIMULINK in which this model run and the outcome of the individual generator rotor angle response has been analysed. This four machine 6 bus systems are the reassembled model of the Western System Coordinated Council (WSCC). This multi machine system is analysed for different fault conditions like LG, LL, and LLG fault.


Angle Stability, Static Synchronous Compensator, Power System Stabilizer, Four Machine System, MATLAB/SIMULINK.

How to Cite this Article?

Tiwari, A. K., Ralhan, S., Singh, M., and Verma, D. K. (2020). Transient Stability Enhancement by using Statcom and Stabilizer for Multi Machine Power System Network. i-manager's Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 8(2), 34-40.


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