A Review on Fire Extinguishing Robot

Abhishek Saxena*, Richa Singh**, Shameena Khatun***, Shashank Singh****, Khadim Moin Siddiqui *****
*,***-**** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BabuBanarasi Das Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
**,***** Department of Electrical Engineering, BabuBanarasi Das Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jele.10.3.17699


Fire is an unavoidable disaster that occurs suddenly or unintentionally in place mostly in household residence. To observe continuously for accidental fire, it is not possible to appoint a person and that's why one takes the help of robot. In such cases these robots come in picture and will detect fire remotely. These kinds of robots are mostly useful in industries where probability of occurrence of fire accidents is more. These robotic vehicles are able to detect the fire and extinguishes the fire automatically with the help of temperature and gas sensor. To control the movement of robot, it contains motor driver and gear motors. Normally, the relay detects the fire and also exchanges or shares information with microcontroller through bluetooth module. The robot contains a jet water spray to extinguish the fire. If robot comes across some obstacle then it will not collapse and prevent itself automatically because it detects obstacle with the help of ultrasonic sensors with limited range. The communication between mobile phone and robot will take place through bluetooth which have graphical user interface to control the robotic movement. Some work has already been done in this field but significant scope is still left. Earlier, it has been observed that the robots operate with the limited range and also with microcontrollers with limited features. Now, we have planned to make our project in this field with improvements in terms of range and performance, therefore we have done review on this topic to find out problems. In this paper, we propose a prototype of an improved version of fire extinguishing robot using Arduino controller.


Fire, Fire Sensor, Mini Pump, Arduino, Robot, Programming, Prototype.

How to Cite this Article?

Saxena, A., Singh, R., Khatun, S., Singh, S., and Siddiqui, K. M. (2020). A Review on Fire Extinguishing Robot. i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering,10(3), 30-39. https://doi.org/10.26634/jele.10.3.17699


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