The Analysis of High School Students’ Attitudes towards Physical Education and Sports Class

T. Osman Mutlu *, Halil Evren Senturk **, Halil Erdem Akoglu***, Asil Cetinkaya****
*,**,**** Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey.
*** Ankara University, Turkey.
Periodicity:November - January'2021


The present study aims to analyze high school students' attitudes towards physical education and sports class. “Attitude Scale of High School First Graders towards Physical Education and Sports” was used in order to measure the participants' attitudes towards physical education and sports class at high school. The scale consists of 12 positive and 12 negative items. The population of the present study includes Menteşe district of Muğla province in Turkey. The sample of the study includes a total of 219 students, i.e., 90 female and 129 male students, studying at a high school in the same district. Non-parametric tests were used to determine whether the obtained data displayed a normal distribution. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of the present study was calculated as .934, which can be considered as an excellent value for the study. Mann- Whitney-U test results related to the participants' attitudes towards physical education and sports in terms of gender demonstrated that female students displayed a significantly more positive attitude towards the class compared to male students. Kruskal-Wallis test results related to the participants' attitudes towards physical education and sports in terms of gender demonstrated that first-graders displayed a significantly more positive attitude towards the class compared to the third-graders. In addition, Mann-Whitney-U test results demonstrated that the participants who did regular sports displayed a significantly more positive attitude compared to those who did not do any sports. Finally, it was found that the students who did not do any sports and third-graders displayed a negative attitude towards physical education and sports class.


High School, Physical Education, Sports, Attitude, Behavior.

How to Cite this Article?

Mutlu, T. O., Senturk, H. E., Akoglu, H. E., and Cetinkaya, A. (2021). The Analysis of High School Students' Attitudes Towards Physical Education and Sports Class. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 14(3), 54-62.


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