Design and Implementation of Proficient Technique for Prevention of Road Accidents

B. Paulchamy *, R. Priyadharsini **, K. Mahendrakan ***
*-*** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2020


Road accidents have become the major issue during these days. Accidents bring loss to our economy. Much remarkable work has been done on the driver alert system through this project. Using the ARDUINO series of Microcontrollers with compatible sensors and components, the accidents could be reduced in an efficient way. Alcohol sensor senses, whether the driver is in a drunken condition and sends signal through a message using GSM and the vehicle will automatically stop. If the driver is drowsy, eye blink sensor detects the drowsiness and alerts the driver. Auto-dimmable headlights gain attention due to danger caused by sudden glare on drivers at night conditions which makes automatic dimming of headlight necessary by placing a wireless transmitter and receiver on both the vehicles. The mechanical parameters such as engine failure, brake failure, etc. are also analyzed. Brake failure sensor and fuel dry sensor is used to analyze whether the brake has a failure and whether the fuel is nearing the empty condition or not. It is also an essential one for both vehicle and the driver's safety measure like accident avoidance in the realistic driving conditions.


Speed Control, Driver Drowsiness, Brake Failure, Fuel Dryness, Headlight Dimming.

How to Cite this Article?

Paulchamy, B., Priyadharsini, R., and Mahendrakan, K. (2020). Design and Implementation of Proficient Technique for Prevention of Road Accidents i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems, 9(1), 6-11.


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