Knocking-off Glitches in Natural Pedagogy: A Contextual Exploration of ICT for a Developing Society

Afshan Naz Quazi*
Department of Education, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Ajmer, Rajasthan, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2021


The flight of globalization is steered through its course when fueled by knowledge, thrust by engines of technology and uplifted by force of information drive. The emergence of Information and Communication Technology era has the concrete potential of drastically transforming the teaching-learning process. Technology facilitates pedagogy and makes learning effective. This paper addresses on ICT as a key component of radical reformation in bringing about quality education through the functional prospects of new emerging technologies and techniques in developing societies where a one finger touch is the only requisite for getting a task accomplished. Simultaneously, eclectic technology-assisted education with just a click is expected to ensure optimum learning outcomes. This paper provides a meta-analysis of the importance of ICT in education, pros and cons of emerging technologies and the catalytic role played by ICT augmenting the expected learning outcomes in the current educational scenario that facilitates a national agenda of functional literacy. It enunciates on integration of ICT with different teaching strategies to enhance and ensure the scholastic performance. Traditional teaching method has now been revamped through ICT usage. Though the skill-based approach of ICT integration is focused now, the education system is compromised with quality gain. This article unfolded the reasons for glitches in the effective implementation of ICT in the system and the challenges faced in a rapidly expanding global information society. ICT being an icon of modernity and a beacon of innovations in the contemporary world, is still scarce in its utilitarian value and demands seamless efforts to plug the existing loopholes.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Learning-Outcomes, Glitches, Utilitarian Value, Education System.

How to Cite this Article?

Quazi, A. N. (2021). Knocking-Off Glitches in Natural Pedagogy: A Contextual Exploration of ICT for a Developing Society. i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology, 18(1), 1-14.


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