Trending Applications and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing: A Review

Rakesh Kumar*, Rajesh Sharma **, Santosh Kumar ***, Naman Goyal ****
*-**** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh Group of Colleges - Chandigarh College of Engineering, Mohali, Punjab, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2021


Mass customization, ability to manufacture complicated shapes, material complexity, fast prototyping, no need of cutting tools, coolants and other auxiliary resources are the key advantages of 3D printing. This emerging technology enables to fabricate physical component directly from the CAD data by deposition of material in layer fashion without wastage. Hence, in this paper a comprehensive review of the dominant 3D printing techniques, evolution and their trending applications is carried out. In addition, the applications of 3D printing in medical, automotive, fabric and fashion, electronic, architecture, aerospace, food, etc. are discussed. Overall, this review paper discussed the literatures on mechanical properties of distinct additive manufacturing (AM) techniques, trending applications, future scope and challenges in the area of 3D printing.


3D Printing, Computer Aided Design, Mechanical Properties, Applications, Challenges.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, R., Sharma, R., Kumar, S., and Goyal, N. (2021). Trending Applications and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing: A Review. i-manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 11(1), 22-39.


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