Design and Implementation of Events Calendar

C. Joshna Sameera *, Steffy Veronica**, Sreelakshmi S.***, Likhita ****, G. Paavai Anand *****
*-***** SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


We all desire to be punctual and perfect in our day-to-day work. Most of the time we do not have information on any significant events happening around us and focus on our field or profession. We realize that the educational institutions conducts various occasions, be it social, academicals or social-related. In most of the educational institutions, for events or occasions to reach all, students have to leave their classes to circulate the announcements, and this is time consuming and tiresome. We have produced a solution, that is "EVENTS CALENDAR" to solve this issue where all the events and exam schedules are updated in this application to plan the everyday simpler in educational institutions.


Mobile App Development, Java, Android Studio, Firebase, XML.

How to Cite this Article?

Sameera, C. J., Veronica, S., Sreelakshmi, S., Likhita, and Anand, G. P. (2020). Design and Implementation of Events Calendar. i-manager's Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 7(1), 23-28.


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