How Student Teachers Regulate their Micro-Teachings: The Dynamics of Student Teachers' Self-Regulated Strategic Processes

Seval Kaygisiz*, Kemal Sinan Özmen**
*-** English Language Teaching Program, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Periodicity:January - March'2021


The present study aims to unveil what kind of self-regulated strategic processes student teachers go through before, during, and after their micro-teachings. To this end, the study was carried out with six third-grade student teachers enrolled in an English Language Teaching Programme at a state university in Ankara, Turkey. Data were collected adopting a qualitative approach via two different sets of interview sessions, observations and reflective journals, and were content analyzed. The ensuing findings revealed such self-regulated strategic processes as motivational, personal, metacognitive, behavioral, emotional and social, engaged by student teachers throughout their micro-teaching stages. Based on the findings, the implications were provided for second language teacher education programmes as well as suggestions for further research.


Second language teacher education, English language teaching, Self-regulated learning, Micro-teaching.

How to Cite this Article?

Kaygisiz, S., and Özmen, K. S. (2021). How Student Teachers Regulate their Micro-Teachings: The Dynamics of Student Teachers' Self-Regulated Strategic Processes. i-manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 11(1), 13-27.


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