Investigating the Impact of Network Parameters on Wormhole Attack with ANODR Routing Protocol in MANET

Uppe Nanaji*, S. Pallam Setty **
*-** Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


The MANET is a network which can organize the mobile ad hoc network nodes dynamically with temporary and arbitrary topologies. This MANET offers many applications in current communication technology. The security and privacy in MANET is a major challenging issue as wireless communication is more vulnerable to security attacks. In this network the individual node operates like transmitter, receiver and router. Moreover, due to openness of the network, there are more chances for malicious users to enter into the network which creates an illusion. So that the individual node understands the data, even if it is sensed from original sender, malicious sender and receiver node behavior. Hence the malicious users create more data loss. So, these wormhole attacks creates network related issues and degrade the MANET efficiency. Major research is now concentrated on the behavior which makes the normal node to act as wormhole to degrade the network performance. In this paper, several parameters are studied and some parameters makes a node to become a wormhole. Experiments are conducted using popular network simulator – “Qualnet Simulator”. The results clearly show the impact of wormhole on the performance of MANETs.


MANET, Security, Wormhole Attack, Qualnet, ANODR, Performance.

How to Cite this Article?

Nanaji, U., and Setty, S. P. (2020). Investigating the Impact of Network Parameters on Wormhole Attack with ANODR Routing Protocol in MANET. i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks , 8(4), 1-6.


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