Watermarking of 3D Color images in Eigen LSB approach

sakshi shrivastava*, Siddhartha Choubey**
* M.E Student, Department of CTA, SSCET Bhilai, India.
** Professor, Department of CSE, SSCET Bhilai, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2012
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.7.2.1761


Digital data are so widely used because they are easy to store, transfer and duplicate with high quality. However, the convenience also facilitates the access of malicious users to produce unauthenticated and pirate copies of the original work. There are two typical digital data protection techniques: cryptography and watermarking. Watermarking can be used both in transmission and for data usage. In addition, cryptography aims to modify every single bit of the original data. In Digital Watermarking the aim is to embed a code consisting of bits into a cover media, representing image, audio, video or graphics information. Digital watermarking is generally considered as a copyright protection technique. In this paper we propose free-view watermarking, this method mainly focuses on the watermark insertion and extraction stages for the static scenes, consisting of only a single object which forms the fundamental case in the development of IBR technology. As a future research direction, the extension of the solution for dynamic scenes with multiple objects could be examined, in which different rendering and interpolation techniques are being used.


free-view watermarking, 3d Water Marking, Watermarking, Image Authentication

How to Cite this Article?

Shrivastava , S., and Choubey, S. (2012). Watermarking Of 3d Color Images In Eigen LSB Approach. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 7(2), 34-43. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.7.2.1761


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