Teacher Written Feedback Preferences of University Prep-class Students in a Foreign Language Writing Course

Derya Tuzcu-Eken*
Department of Foreign Languages at KIrklareli University, K?rklareli, Turkey.
Periodicity:April - June'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jelt.11.2.17593


The current paper is a mixed method study which aimed to find out teacher written feedback preferences of a group of prep-class students at a public university in Turkey. The written corrective feedback preferences of 37 students with high level of proficiency in English were examined via a questionnaire and an interview. The study lasted for two semesters. The findings of this long term study indicated that the students preferred the course teacher to provide feedback for each error in their assignments. Besides, the students believed that the feedback provided by their teacher enhanced their writing skill. However, most of the time, the students did not rewrite their texts in the light of the feedback provided to them when they were not instructed to do so. The generally preferred feedback type was form-focused direct feedback whereas the least preferred types were meaning-focused content related feedback and form-focused indirect feedback. Finally, the feedback preferences of the students did not change even if the practices of the course teacher changed over time. Instead, there was a decrease in the students' contentment of the teacher feedback as the practices of the course teacher changed from the first term to the second.


Corrective Feedback, Form-Focused Feedback, Meaning-Focused Feedback, Teacher Feedback, Writing Course, Prep-Class.

How to Cite this Article?

Tuzcu-Eken, D. (2021). Teacher Written Feedback Preferences of University Prep-class Students in a Foreign Language Writing Course. i-manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 11(2), 55-68. https://doi.org/10.26634/jelt.11.2.17593


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