-6). Thermal expansion of concrete containing RAP is little on higher side yet it satisfies the code requirements. The reason for the higher value owes the inclusion of bitumen in the form of RAP. These values are still below the threshold values because of the high stiffness of the concrete matrix relative to that of the RAP aggregate. Results of Flexural fatigue test showed that there is a decrease (20-25%) in the values of elastic modulus of RAP concrete subjected to various stress ratios. Reason for decrease in the elastic modulus of concrete owes to the addition of unpolished RAP aggregate. Overall fatigue behaviour is satisfactory up to 30% aggregate replacement in conventional concrete by RAP aggregate.


Evaluation of Fatigue Behaviour and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Concrete Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Aggregate

Amarkrishna S. Badiger*, Anand Kumar B. G. **
*-** Department of Civil Engineering, R.V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.11.1.17577


In this project, unpolished reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate is tested in the form of RAP concrete to use it in rigid pavement application. Accordingly, mix proportions were designed by varying the percentage of RAP aggregate in RAP concrete. For rigid pavement application, concrete must satisfy required flexural resistance along with stability and durability for its entire design period. So, strength requirement of RAP concrete containing various percentage of RAP aggregate is determined by casting and conducting tests on cubes, beams and cylinders. It has been found that up to 30% of virgin aggregates can be replaced by unpolished RAP aggregate without compromising on strength requirements. Durability aspect of RAP concrete is found out by conducting coefficient of thermal expansion and fatigue behaviour (subjected to various stress ratios) tests. Results of coefficient of thermal expansion are 15-20% higher compared to the values of conventional concrete (10 x 10-6). Thermal expansion of concrete containing RAP is little on higher side yet it satisfies the code requirements. The reason for the higher value owes the inclusion of bitumen in the form of RAP. These values are still below the threshold values because of the high stiffness of the concrete matrix relative to that of the RAP aggregate. Results of Flexural fatigue test showed that there is a decrease (20-25%) in the values of elastic modulus of RAP concrete subjected to various stress ratios. Reason for decrease in the elastic modulus of concrete owes to the addition of unpolished RAP aggregate. Overall fatigue behaviour is satisfactory up to 30% aggregate replacement in conventional concrete by RAP aggregate.


Unpolished RAP Aggregate, Stability, Durability Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Fatigue Test

How to Cite this Article?

Badiger, A. S., and Kumar, B. G. A. (2021). Evaluation of Fatigue Behaviour and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Concrete Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Aggregate. i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 11(1), 33-41. https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.11.1.17577


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