Buckling Analysis of Modified Channel Sections under Axial Compression and Flexure

Sandesh Dahal *, Satish Paudel**
* Chitwan Engineering Campus, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Chitwan, Nepal.
** School of Civil Engineering and Technology, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand.
Periodicity:September - November'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jste.9.3.17574


Cold Formed Steel (CFS) sections although being light, thin, economic and efficient structural components are still vulnerable since buckling of such members is inevitable. The main objective of the research is to perform a numerical analysis for the evaluation of axial compression and flexural strength of the modified channel sections using direct strength method and CUFSM. Numerical study is performed by considering finite strip method in determining the stability of CFS sections. Then, using the results, a detailed finite element analysis is carried out through ABAQUS and domino effect are interpreted in terms of axial compression and flexural strength capacity. The comparison is performed by both CUFSM and ABAQUS for the same sections with varying width of flange as 110 mm and 125 mm and depth of web as 200 mm and 250 mm with thickness of 2 mm. Also, the boundary condition is varied as Simply supported and Fixed. Various sections are adopted so that comparison can be performed in terms of axial compression and flexural capacity. From the results as obtained for C1 and C2 sections by varying spans, support conditions and for two web depths and flanges, the axial and flexural capacities of sections obtained from ABAQUS are in good agreement with axial and flexural capacities obtained from CUFSM with the variation being 7.5%-12.5%. After performing the parametric study on various CFS sections it can be observed that as the number and web location of the CFS section is increased the governing buckling mode will be global. Being low weight and high tensile strength, the C1 type section can be used in bracing connection system.


Cold Formed Steel, Finite Strip Analysis, Direct Strength Method, Axial Compression, Buckling, Abaqus.

How to Cite this Article?

Dahal, S., and Paudel, S. (2020). Buckling Analysis of Modified Channel Sections Under Axial Compression and Flexure. i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 9(3), 15-27. https://doi.org/10.26634/jste.9.3.17574


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