Redefining Customer Experience: Connecting the 3PS of Success in the Time of Covid-19

Mboungou Mouyabi Seke*
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Periodicity:September - November'2020
World Health Organization : COVID-19 - Global literature on coronavirus disease
ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1038836


Customer eXperience (CX) has taken on another definition and measurement in the overwhelming challenge of Covid-19. A large number of us have needed to adjust to the new standard of being inside our homes, and as our normal practices change, so too will their experience expectations change. This in essence, this paper has demonstrated that customer experience all through the interactions with a brand is fundamental to customer devotion. In addition, this is a very crucial time to redefine the concept of Customer eXperience in a sense that, the 3Ps need to be refined as well. This research uses a qualitative approach known as direct observation to investigate the aspects to redefine customer experience in response to covid-19. It also presents various aspects medium and large organizations will have to plan for, to ensure that they connect the 3Ps (Purpose, Priorities and Pursuits) to redefine Customer eXperience in this time of uncertainties and beyond this Covid-19. Purpose depicts not just the way to take the perspective of the customer, but includes venture knowledge into their experiences. This research paper gives a nuanced conversation of redefining CX and supporting the pragmatic use of a 3Ps connection. The research adds to a required regular reason for future research and practice of CX.


Customer eXperience (CX), Covid-19; Purpose, Priorities and Pursuits.

How to Cite this Article?

Seke, M. M. (2020). Redefining Customer Experience: Connecting the 3PS of Success in the Time of Covid-19. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(2), 26-38.


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