Optimization of Layer Thickness of HTL Free Perovskite Solar Cell

Tharun T. *, Manimegala A. **, Vasantharthan A. ***, Vinitha N. ****, Shenbagapriya M. *****
*-***** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.8.4.17536


In the last 10 years, perovskite solar cells (PSC) had their efficiencies increased from 3.8% to 25.5% while other photovoltaic technologies have never witnessed such dramatic increase in such short span of time. Despite interesting properties of the perovskite material, it suffers from poor moisture, UV and temperature stability. In this work, we intend to create a solar cell design by removing the hole transporting layer along with the use of bilayer electron transporting layer. The thickness of all the layers in the solar cell are optimized with GPVDM simulation software to get higher efficiency. This is done to enhance the stability while having more efficiency for a HTL free device architecture. Efficiency of nearly 15.6% has been obtained for the layer thickness optimized device.


HTL Free, Perovskite, GPVDM, Optimization.

How to Cite this Article?

Tharun, T., Manimegala, A., Vasantharthan, A., Vinith, N., and Shenbagapriya, M. (2021). Optimization of Layer Thickness of HTL Free Perovskite Solar Cell. i-manager's Journal on Material Science, 8(4), 31-37. https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.8.4.17536


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