Critical English Teachers and Criticizing Pre-Servicing: A Descriptive Single Case Study

Eser Ordem*, Omer Gokhan Ulum**
* Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University, Adana, Turkey.
** Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey.
Periodicity:January - March'2021


Studies on pre-service English teachers have been on the rise since 1980s. However, some terms have been rarely discussed in detail, although critical pedagogy has produced significant insights into language teaching and learning. Scholars in the field have been repeatedly using the term 'pre-service English teachers'. However, this term is problematic in nature because it hardly refers to English teachers' conception of action and transformation. This study aims to examine the views of 30 prospective critical English teachers because labeling a group in Social Science can be transformative and emancipatory. Therefore, instead of using pre-service English teachers, we prefer to use prospective critical English teachers. A semi-structured interview form including 10 questions was composed, and the participants were also asked to keep a diary for four weeks. In addition, 20 articles published between 2010 and 2018 were also included in the study to show the frequency of the terms labeling them. The results show that the participants' ideas were scarcely taken seriously and that they were hardly involved in the process of preparing the curriculum and the syllabus. They also believe that a more democratic and participatory approach should be adopted so that they can transform the discipline of English language teaching.


ELT Departments, Critical English Teachers, Critical Approach, Criticism of Pre-service English Teachers.

How to Cite this Article?

Ordem, E., and Ulum, O. G. (2021). Critical English Teachers and Criticizing Pre-Servicing: A Descriptive Single Case Study. i-manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 11(1), 40-49.


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