Schizophrenia and Career: What are the Outlooks?

Rozina Tajddin*
The Aga Khan University Hospital, Pakistan.
Periodicity:November - January'2021


The importance of a career and an employment does not and should not discriminate between a mentally ill and a mentally healthy person. Employment and education are not only vital for livelihood but also they play a significant role in the personality development, satisfaction, confidence and happiness. Therefore, the patients diagnosed with schizophrenia who work and earn can help themselves to gain a more prosperous life. However the societal stigma has created many barriers for them to seek employment and education. The employment rate is therefore very low among people who suffer from schizophrenia. The forces and causes behind this problem are societal stigma, individual barriers and the symptoms of schizophrenia that are positive, negative and cognitive. This paper will discuss the case scenario of a young patient with schizophrenia and his educational career. Furthermore, the above mentioned symptoms and their relation to the end of vocation and employment are discussed and each symptom category is discussed with further specific division. The recommendations to encounter this rising situation are also discussed. As a society it should be taken into consideration that people with such mental ailments are given opportunities to live a dignified and resilient life.


Schizophrenia, Unemployment, Work, Social Stigma, Schizophrenia Symptoms, Schizophrenia Patients, Mental Illness, Mental Health Stigma, Symptoms of Schizophrenia, Rehabilitation.

How to Cite this Article?

Tajddin, R. (2021). Schizophrenia and Career: What are the Outlooks? i-manager's Journal on Nursing, 10(4), 32-38.


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