Issues in Wearable Electronics Devices for Wireless Sensor Network

K. Thamizhmaran*
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur, Theni, Tamilnadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


Air media sensor network devices sense and communicate the information gathered from a monitored field through wireless links. The acquired data is forwarded through multiple nodes, and with a gateway, the data is connected to other networks. These networks are used to monitor physical or environmental conditions like sound, pressure, temperature and collectively pass data through the network to the main location. The WSN is incorporated into the wearable devices for various applications using various protocols to connect each node of the network. This paper describes the technology of implementing a WSN in a wearable device and the challenges imposed in working on the network.


WSN, Security, Issue, Wearable Devices.

How to Cite this Article?

Thamizhmaran, K. (2020). Issues in Wearable Electronics Devices for Wireless Sensor Network. i-manager's Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems,9(1), 34-38.


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