Effect of Job Stress (Job, Role Management) Work Overload, Work Family Conflict, Job Embeddedness and Job Satisfaction on Job Performance of School Educators

Nasir Abbas*, Ammara Nasir **
*-** Senior Elementary School Educator, GHS Qaim Bharwana Jhang Punjab, Pakistan.
Periodicity:November - January'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.14.3.17482


Every organization is looking for multidisciplinary employees, and this creates a predicament in people's dialogue about which challenge to prioritize and which undertaking to complete later. Businesses are rational and end result orientated, and those having productivity is influenced through various bodily, monetary, social, religious and mental factors. The Pakistani society is man-oriented society. The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect of job stress (job, role management), work overload, work family conflict, job embeddedness and job satisfaction on job performance of school teachers. This study was a cross sectional study and the data was collected through objective sampling technique from 115 male and 115 female school teachers of district Jhang. Job stress scale, work overload scale, work family conflict scale, job embeddedness scale, job satisfaction scale and job performance scale were used to collect the data. Regression analysis and independent sample t test was used to analyze the results. The results of the current study revealed that job stress (job, role management), work overload and work family conflict have negative effect on job performance, whereas job embeddedness and job satisfaction has positive effect on job performance. Further studies have found that there is significant difference between male and female on the basis of work overload, role management, work family conflict, job satisfaction, job embeddedness and job performance. Moreover the study results found significant difference between married and unmarried school teachers on the basis of work overload, job embeddedness, work family conflict and job satisfaction, but not significant on the basis of job stress( job, role management) and job performance.


Job Stress, Job, Role Management, Work Overload, Work Family Conflict, Job Embeddedness, Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, School Educators.

How to Cite this Article?

Abbas, N., and Nasir, A. (2021). Effect of Job Stress (Job, Role Management) Work Overload, Work Family Conflict, Job Embeddedness and Job Satisfaction on Job Performance of School Educators. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 14(3), 21-28. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.14.3.17482


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