Control Strategy of Shunt Active Power Filter using ANN for Grid Connected Renewable Energy System

K. V. Govardhan Rao*, Adewale Adesina**, N. Ramchandra***
*-*** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Martin's Engineering College, Secunderabad, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2021


The paper deals with control schemes of Shunt Active Filter (SAF) using switching devices on the base of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) theory. The main scheme of this is excellent compensation characteristics in steady states and transient states. The project deals with converter with four-leg and voltage source which can do compensation of unbalanced currents and harmonic components generated by non-linear loads. Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) helps in reducing harmonic currents. The new proposed Artificial Neural Network Controller of % THD comparatively enhanced. The entire concept of power filter uses ANN controller which is simulated in MATLAB. The suggested circuit in paper are considered at various operating conditions and simulated and shows the potential of the system.


APF, Four-Leg Converter, ANN Controller, Harmonic Current Reduction.

How to Cite this Article?

Rao, K. V. G., Kalyani, T. V. S., and Ramchandra, N. (2021). Control Strategy of Shunt Active Power Filter using ANN for Grid Connected Renewable Energy System. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 15(2), 17-23.


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