Social and Ethical Views on Critical Technology Element and Its Effect on Ethnomethodology

Annamma George*
Christukula Mission College, Satna, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2020
World Health Organization : COVID-19 - Global literature on coronavirus disease
ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-963191


Majority of schools and other higher educational institutions have rushed to procure the best application in the recent days to deliver content to their students in the best possible manner without wasting time during the course of the new academic year as the threat for Covid-19 arose at around the end of the year 2019. Critical Technology Element, a new or novel technology that a platform or system depends on to achieve successful development or production or to successfully meet a system operational threshold requirement, has come to its aid. This has slowly become the part of life of all households mostly irrespective of each one’s financial status, and thus a part of life for the majority of school going population. This in turn, especially the use of technology and social media in the pretext of education has shown both positive and negative impacts on the society and the young generation. Now when everything gets back to normal, how are the students going to handle the transition. Would they find their old traditional classroom and evaluation techniques worthy enough? This paper throws light on the possibilities of the transition and hence the impact on Ethnomethodology.


Social, Ethical, Critical Technology Element, Ethnomethodology, Web Based Instruction, Metacognition.

How to Cite this Article?

George, A. (2020). Social and Ethical Views on Critical Technology Element and its Effect on Ethnomethodology. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 16(1), 40-50.


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