Study on the Flexural Behaviour of SCC with Nano-Particles and Steel Fibers

Mohit Kambanna*, Shrithi S. Badami**
*-** Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2020


Self-computing concrete (SCC) is a highly workable type of concrete which does not require any further external compaction or vibration. Super plasticizers are used to increase the ease and flow ability of SCC to a remarkable extent. Many experiments have been conducted by researchers to understand the properties and behaviour of SCC. Validation of finite element modelling with experimental data helps engineers in parametrically characterizing and analyzing the large structural components, which in turn saves time, energy and cost. Incorporation of fibres into SCC to increase its flexural strength is an ongoing research which has gained worldwide attention. This study is an effort to evaluate the behaviour of SCC with steel fibres by incorporating nano silica. Nan-su method of mix design is adopted in this study to obtain the control mix of SCC (SCC-CM) through experimental research. This analysis of FE modelling using Abaqus / CAE proposes to study the behaviour of SCC beam with and without incorporation of nano-silica and steel fibre. Analytical response of SCC beam is in good correspondence with the experimental results which is then compared to SSC beam containing nano-silica and steel fibres (SCC-NS). Response obtained from FEM indicates that SCC beam with nano-silica and steel fibre exhibits significant improvement in load deflection comparison at first crack and failure load, resistance against deflection, load carrying capacity and flexural strength in comparison with normal SCC (NSCC) beam.


SCC, Concrete, Nano-Silica, Steel Fibres, Nan-Su Method.

How to Cite this Article?

Kambanna, M., and Badami, S. S. (2020). Study on the Flexural Behaviour of SCC with Nano-Particles and Steel Fibres. i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 10(3), 21-31.


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