An Assessment of the Level of Environmental Awareness of 'A' Level Geography Pupils at three Secondary Schools in Masvingo Urban

Daniel Gamira*
Department of Teacher Development, Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe.
Periodicity:September - November'2020


Environmental knowledge and awareness are the major environmental tools for sustainable development. The rise in environmental problems such as river siltation, uncontrolled population growth, soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, pollution and climate change are due to lack of environmental education. The current study analyses the level of environmental awareness for Advanced level students at three secondary schools in Masvingo Urban. The study purposively sampled 20 students. Data has been generated through Environmental Awareness Test (EAT), questionnaire and interview. The study revealed that environmental knowledge for advanced level learners is exceptionally high as indicated in their responses for EAT. Despite their higher level of environmental knowledge, their environmental participation has been only restricted to school boundary due to external influences like shortage of resources and economic factors that limit environmental participation.


Environmental Awareness, Sustainable Development, Environmental Education, Environmental Challenges

How to Cite this Article?

Gamira, D. (2020). An Assessment of the Level of Environmental Awareness of 'A' Level Geography Pupils at three Secondary Schools in Masvingo Urban. i-manager's School Educational Technology, 16(2), 20-30.


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