Examining the Role of Reciprocal Teaching in Enhancing Reading Skill at First-Year Undergraduate Level in a Semi-Urban College, Bangladesh

Ashim Kumar Paul*, Protiva Rani Karmaker **
* Department of English, Ishwardi Government College, Pabna, Bangladesh, South Asia.
** Department of English, Institute of Modern Languages (IML), Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:January - March'2021
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jelt.11.1.17409


Researches worldwide have so far provided weighty testimony to the fact that reciprocal teaching produces better efficacy in terms of imparting education including teaching the four skills of a language. On this consideration, the current study seeks to explore if reciprocal teaching enhances the extent of reading skill among undergraduate students. It has enacted experimental research model involving pre-test and post-test with two learner groups, i.e. experimental and control. Reciprocal teaching was effected on the experimental group while teacher-centered traditional teaching was given to the control one. The sample population included 40 first year undergraduate students, majoring in English in a semi-urban government college of Bangladesh, who were subsequently divided equally into a couple of groups namely experimental group and control group. Data were collected through the results of pre-test and post-test on reading comprehension tests consisting of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), filling in the blanks and guessing meaning. The findings distinctly revealed that the scores obtained by the two groups being taught in disparate learning ambiences were starkly unalike where reciprocal teaching resulted in much higher achievement than the traditional one. In addition to comprehensive content analysis and pragmatic quantitative research orientation in the crucial research topic, the study came up with commendable pedagogical implications that will help modify the existing teaching culture and inspire further research in the field.


Reciprocal Teaching, Enhancing, Reading Skill, Undergraduate Level, Bangladesh.

How to Cite this Article?

Paul, A. K., and Karmaker, P. R. (2021). Examining the Role of Reciprocal Teaching in Enhancing Reading Skill at First-Year Undergraduate Level in a Semi-Urban College, Bangladesh. i-manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 11(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.26634/jelt.11.1.17409


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