An In-Depth Model for Determining Teaching Efficacy through the use of Qualitative Single Subject Design, Student Learning Outcomes, Associative Statistics, and Mixed Methods Post Hoc Data Analysis Methodology

James Edward Osler II*, Mahmud Mansaray**
*-** North Carolina Central University, Durham, North Carolina, United States.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


Many universities and colleges in the United States and elsewhere are increasingly concerned about enhancing the comprehension and knowledge of their students, particularly in the classroom. One method of enhancing student success is teaching effectiveness. The overarching objective of this research paper is to propose a novel research model that examines the relationship between teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes qualitatively and then analyzes the outcomes of the researcher further using a mixed method data analysis methodology. This new model will first use a unique and in–depth qualitative case study methodology especially designed for the instructional setting. The anticipated qualitative initial data collecting techniques will include but not be limited to the following: observations, personal interviews, qualitative survey questionnaires, research field notes, document review, etc. The secondary data analysis model will use the mixed methods (Qualitative and Quantitative) Triostatistics Tri–Squared Test to further validate the research investigation outcomes. The initial data gathering qualitative model uses assumed data and applied statistical Cross–Tabulation and Chi–Square Tests, including a theoretical analysis of the open–ended responses and field notes recorded from participants (a sample of 32 students presently enrolled in a Semester–long English ENG 1200–01 course at a public university in North Carolina). The associative statistical findings found a positive relationship between teaching effectiveness and student learning. The outcomes of this study will increase the current lack of information on the use of qualitative and mixed methods research designs in determining teaching efficacy and its effects on student achievement in the social and behavioral sciences. This new model expands on existing measures by providing new measures to more carefully examine teaching effectiveness and its effect on student learning.


Case Study Design, Instructional Equation, Student Ratings of Instruction, Validity, Reliability, Cross–Tabulation, Chi–Square, Field Notes, Qualitative Data Analysis Software, Mixed Methods, Student Learning Outcomes, Tri–Squared Test, and Triostatistics.

How to Cite this Article?

Osler, J. E., II. and Mansaray, M. (2020). An In-Depth Model for Determining Teaching Efficacy through the use of Qualitative Single Subject Design, Student Learning Outcomes, Associative Statistics, and Mixed Methods Post Hoc Data Analysis Methodology. i-manager's Journal on Mathematics, 9(1), 1-17.


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