This paper address the PCG signals (Phonocardiogram) and their De-noising techniques. The PCG as a kind of weak biological signal under the back ground of strong noise is easily subject to interference from noise of various sources. De-noising of PCG signal therefore, forms the primary basis for achieving non-invasive diagnosis of coronary heart disease. There are various method are available for De-noising the PCG signal but the method is most effective for the PCG signal is very much important. In this paper de- noise the 4 types of PCG signal and check the different parameters and find that which wavelet gives the maximum result for all four types PCG signals.


Comparison of Wavelet Transforms For Denoising And Analysis Of PCG Signal

Abhishek Misal*, G. R. Sinha**, R. M. Potdar***, M. Kowar****
* Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.), India
** Shri Shankaracharya Group of Institutions (C.G.) Bhilai
***_**** Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.), India
Periodicity:November - January'2012


This paper address the PCG signals (Phonocardiogram) and their De-noising techniques. The PCG as a kind of weak biological signal under the back ground of strong noise is easily subject to interference from noise of various sources. De-noising of PCG signal therefore, forms the primary basis for achieving non-invasive diagnosis of coronary heart disease. There are various method are available for De-noising the PCG signal but the method is most effective for the PCG signal is very much important. In this paper de- noise the 4 types of PCG signal and check the different parameters and find that which wavelet gives the maximum result for all four types PCG signals.


PCG signals, Wavelet Transforms.

How to Cite this Article?

Misal, A., Sinha, G. R., Potdar, R. M., and Kowar, M. K. (2012). Comparison Of Wavelet Transforms For Denoising And Analysis Of PCG Signal. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 1(1), 49-53.


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