Increasing the Power Transfer Capability of Existing EHVAC Lines using Simultaneous AC-DC Transmission

Sunil Kumar Jilledi*, Shalini J**
* Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Eritrea Institute of Technology, Eritrea.
** Dairy Engineering, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2020


It is difficult to load long extra-high voltage (EHV) AC lines to their thermal limits as a sufficient margin is kept against transient instability. In the model proposed in this the paper, it will be feasible to load these lines near to their thermal permissible limits. This paper gives us the feasibility of converting a double circuit AC line into composite AC–DC power transmission line, without constructing a separate DC line, to get the advantages of parallel AC–DC transmission for improving stability and loadability of a transmission line. There is no need for the alteration of conductors, insulator strings, and towers. An analytical model is established for the loadability and transient stability analysis of the simultaneous ACDC transmission system. The validation of these models is carried out by comparing the results obtained from the application of the models with already published results. Simulation has been carried out in MATLAB software package. Both loadability and stability models are also applied to a realistic system. The benefits of the simultaneous AC-DC system are evaluated and the results are critically discussed.


Simultaneous AC-DC Power, Loadability, Thermal Limits, DC Mix, Matlab.

How to Cite this Article?

Jilledi, S. K., and Shalini, J. (2020). Increasing the Power Transfer Capability of Existing EHVAC Lines using Simultaneous AC-DC Transmission. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 7(4), 29-36.


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