Document Image Analysis and Enhancement - A Brief Review on Digital Preservation

Lalit Prakash Saxena*
Applied Research Section, Combo Consultancy, Obra, Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2021


Document image analysis is an important procedure in deriving adequate preservation policies for old and ancient documents. Frequently, image enhancement techniques are employed to serve the purpose of document analysis and post-processing. In due course of time, documents may have deterioration and adequate preservation policies are of immense need, and for such, enhancement procedures are employed. This paper presents image enhancement techniques, their methodology, implementation, and results. Further, image processing is a procedure that deals with analysis of image details from proposed input to desired output. Furthermore, this analysis is the observation that involves both test and processed images by virtue of processing through an enhancement technique.


Document Images, Image Analysis, Processing, Enhancement, Digital Preservation.

How to Cite this Article?

Saxena, L. P. (2021). Document Image Analysis and Enhancement - A Brief Review on Digital Preservation. i-manager's Journal on Image Processing, 8(1), 36-44.


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