Incorporating Call into English Language Teaching: Bangladeshi College Teachers' Attitude and Experience

Ashim Kumar Paul*
Department of English, Ishwardi Government College, Pabna, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:October - December'2020


Considering the importance of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) integration in academic setting, this study aims to explore Bangladeshi college teachers' attitude, experiences and challenges with regard to the application of CALL in English Language Teaching (ELT). In order to achieve the purposes of the present study, a qualitative method research with interview schedule was designed and administered. Twelve teachers of English Department from three government colleges in Bangladesh voluntarily participated in the semi-structured interview schedule. The responses of the participants were thematically analyzed. The findings revealed that teachers had positive attitude towards the integration of CALL in English language teaching-learning process and perceived it as easier, effective and motivational. The results also revealed that teachers face some difficulties in using CALL for teaching English Language. However, some reflections on the possible solutions to the existing challenges of using CALL in ELT as well as academic setting have been provided. The results provide concepts and suggestions to the future researchers for further investigations in relation to CALL for the benefits of teachers, learners and teaching- learning in context of Bangladeshi college education.


Computer Assisted Language Learning, English Language Teaching, Teachers' Attitude, Challenges.

How to Cite this Article?

Paul, A. K. (2020). Incorporating Call into English Language Teaching: Bangladeshi College Teachers' Attitude and Experience. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 17(3), 24-34.


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