Anti Theft Security System with Image Feedback using Raspberry PI and IoT

Mohammed Fazil P.*, Prasad B. S. N. **, Ranjitha B. ***, Sneha S. Nair ****, Manu D. K. *****
*-***** Department of ECE, K S School of Engineering and Management, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2020


Security systems like surveillance cameras will only record the incident and cannot do anything to prevent it. Nowadays most of the crimes occur in the lavish shop (jewellery), where CCTV are installed. Crimes are usually found out after it is being committed and the owner gets the information only after a crime incident. As per the survey, around 51% of the crime rate is found in the robbery. In the present, security system requires more storage because of continuous surveillance. The proposed system is applicable in the area where no one is permissible to enter, also in the area, where we need to investigate the crime. Once the system detects motion, the camera starts recording and captures live images. The image is processed to verify whether it is a human or not. If human is found in the image, the owner is quickly alerted by sending an alert mail. This mail will also contain the picture of the intruder captured by the camera. The security gate closes so that the intruder is captivated inside. The buzzer is used as an alarm to alert the neighbours about the intrusion. As a result of the above technology, the owner will have no worries regarding the shop in their absence due to real-time image feedback. The intruder is not able to escape from the site because of the security gateway. False triggering of alarm is eliminated.


Security System, CCTV Camera, Intruder, Theft, Surveillance.

How to Cite this Article?

Fazil, M. P., Prasad, B. S. N., Ranjitha B., Nair, S. S., and Manu, D. K. (2020). Anti Theft Security System with Image Feedback using Raspberry PI and IoT. i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering,10(3), 8-17.


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