Partnership in Unbundling English Language Education in a Higher Education Context

Ahmet Erdost Yastibas*
Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey.
Periodicity:October - December'2020


Unbundling has become a significant issue in higher education to deal with issues such as the high number of university enrollment and the increasing cost of education. Yet, most of the studies on unbundling are conceptual and the literature lacks academic work on unbundling. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate unbundling in English language education as one aspect of higher education in terms of how decisions are made to partner publishing houses, what are the effects of this partnership on English language instructors and students, and what affects the partnership. It was designed as a qualitative case study and conducted in the department of modern languages of a university. One of the administrators of the department participated in the research. A semi-structured interview was made to collect data. The data was content-analyzed. The findings show that courses, extra materials, cost of course books, and after-sales service affect decision-making process. They also indicate that the partnership gives students responsibility, provides instructors with guideline, and create an agreement between assessment and instruction in courses. According to the findings, course book-related problems and the cost of course books may affect the partnership negatively. The results were discussed, and suggestions for further studies were made.


Unbundling, Higher Education, English Language Teaching.

How to Cite this Article?

Yastibas, A. E. (2020). Partnership in Unbundling English Language Education in a Higher Education Context. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 17(3), 6-16.


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