Smart Electrical Vehicle

B. Ram Vara Prasad *, Ch. Prasanthi **, G. Jyothika Santhoshini ***, K. J. S. V. Kranti Kumar ****, K. Yernaidu *****
*-***** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


The primary objective of this paper is to design a feasible yet highly adaptable E-BICYCLE, as number of motor vehicles on the roads all-over the world increases. The worlds’ car usage is booming. Cars are polluting the cities as they consume large quantity of Petroleum and the amounts of carbon dioxide released increases which in turn pollutes the green house gases causing climate change. Huge amount of money is being spent on the development and manufacturing of electrical vehicles. This paper presents the study of design of Electrical Bicycle. The aim of this paper is to design a simple, cost effective model of Electrical Bicycle with intelligent control system. The materials used are mostly environmental friendly and cost is much lower than the existing electric power bike. This can be implemented by connecting an electrical motor, a controller and battery pack, cabling and monitoring instruments.


BLDC Motor, Controller, Battery System, Electrical Bicycle, Pollution, Intelligent Control System.

How to Cite this Article?

Prasad, B. R. V., Prasanthi, Ch., Santhoshini, G. J., Kumar, K. J. S. V. K., and Yernaidu, K. (2020). Smart Electrical Vehicle. i-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 8(1), 7-14.


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