Development of Personalised Mobile Learning System using Fuzzy Logic Technique

Oluwatoyin C. Agbonifo*, Kayode Fatai Adeleke**
* Department of Information Systems, School of Computing, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
** Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
Periodicity:July - December'2019


The increasing development in the world of Information Technology (IT) has provided a better way for teaching and learning. Learners have now preferred methods by which they learn and remember what they have learned with the use of mobile devices anywhere and anytime. A model widely used to determine learners' preference has been the Felder and Silverman learning style, but this learning style has been criticized due to its limitation of dichotomous responses in the Index Learning Style (ILS) questionnaire. Hence, this research paper developed a personalised mobile learning system (PMLS) that combines Felder and Silverman learning model with fuzzy logic to identify individual learner. In this study, the dichotomous ILS questionnaire is extended from the standard two (2) option ILS questionnaire to a five (5) option questionnaire in order to accommodate learners whose attributes fall in different dimensions. Fuzzy logic is applied to determine the degree of learner's preference or learning style. The system is implemented on Android based mobile devices. Experimental control group is used to ascertain the effect of learning preference in students' learning performance. The study used twenty-two participants of first year undergraduate students from Nigeria College of Education in 2018/2019 academic session. These set of students gainfully interacted with PMLS and also engaged in a learning system that is not PMLS (not focussed on personalisation). Results from the experimental control group showed significant improvement in students' learning performance from 50.95% (without PMLS) to 81.36% (with PMLS).


Personalised Mobile Learning System (PMLS), Fuzzy Index Learning Style, Device Adaptation, Fuzzy Rule.

How to Cite this Article?

Agbonifo, O. C., and Adeleke, K. F. (2019). Development of Personalised Mobile Learning System using Fuzzy Logic Technique. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies , 6(2), 1-11.


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