Detection of Herbs using Image Processing

M. Lakshmi Surekha*, N. Kamala Kumari **, Y. Deepika ***, U. V. Ramesh ****
*-**** Department of Computer Science Engineering, Pragati Engineering College, Surrampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


Knowledge about the distribution of herbs (weeds) within a specific area might be a prerequisite for specific treatment. The herbs are taken out from images using image processing described by shape features. A classification based on the features reveals the type and number of weeds for each image. For the classification we use only a maximum of 16 features out of the 81 computed ones. The selection has been done using processing algorithms, which rate the definiteness of the features of prototypes. If no prototypes are available, clustering algorithms are accustomed automatically to generate clusters. In the next step weed classes are assigned to the clusters. Weed maps are generated using the system. Weed maps are compared with the results of a manual weed sampling.


Thresholding, Image Processing, Weed, Segmentation, Feature Extraction.

How to Cite this Article?

Surekha, M. L., Kumari, N. K.. Deepika, Y., and Ramesh, U. V.(2020). Detection of Herbs using Image Processing. i-manager's Journal on Pattern Recognition, 7(1), 18-23.


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