Study on Mechanical Properties of Textile Reinforced Concrete

0*, Gourishetty Ruthvik **, Challa Datta Karthik ***
*-*** Department of Civil Engineering, St. Martin's Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2020


This study deals with the experimental investigations on the effects in Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) as reinforcing material and conventional concrete. In this study, M25 grade concrete is used for nominal mix design. High strength high modulus polyester filament yarns are used to study its effects in reinforcing concrete mixes and to obtain basic strength. For the concrete to achieve its maximum strength and longevity, curing must be carried out for a suitable period of time. In this study, the curing is done by preventing excessive loss of moisture from the concrete either by leaving formwork in place, covering the concrete with impermeable membrane after the formwork has been removed by the application of suitable chemical curing agent (water based), or by combination of such methods. Curing by continuously wetting the exposed surface prevents the loss of moisture from it. The compressive, flexural strength tests were performed by placing the textile in the form of layers 1, 2 and 3. As a result, it had been found that the use of polyester textile material considerably increases the flexural strengths. It is also observed that there is a sudden decrease in flexural strength and compressive strength when textile is placed in 3 layers. The maximum flexural and compression strength is obtained by placing the textile in the form of 2 layers and found to be economical. Eventually it has been observed that, there have been an increase in flexural strength for about 48%.


Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Membrane Curing, Textile Reinforced Concrete.

How to Cite this Article?

Vignan, G. S., Ruthvik, G., and Karthik, C. D. (2020). Study on Mechanical Properties of Textile Reinforced Concrete. i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 9(2), 25-36.


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