Conflict, though often unsettling, is a natural part of collective human experience. It can leave participants ill at ease, so it is often avoided and suppressed. Yet conflict, when well managed, breathes life and energy into relationships and can cause individuals to be more innovative and productive. Conflict is present everywhere whether we like it or not. Researchers must find ways to legitimize critique and controversy within organizational life. This paper examines cognitive conflict within the context of different industrial sectors. Here conflict is employed as a means to promote individual and organizational learning and growth.


Contributions Of Cognitive Conflict in Corporate Creativity

Vadassery Gopakumar*, N.K. Shamla**
* Director, KMCT Group of Technical Institutions, Pooladikkunnu, Kozhikode Dist, Kerala.
** Associate Professor, SNES Institute of Management Studies and Research, Kozhikode, Kerala.
Periodicity:December - February'2012


Conflict, though often unsettling, is a natural part of collective human experience. It can leave participants ill at ease, so it is often avoided and suppressed. Yet conflict, when well managed, breathes life and energy into relationships and can cause individuals to be more innovative and productive. Conflict is present everywhere whether we like it or not. Researchers must find ways to legitimize critique and controversy within organizational life. This paper examines cognitive conflict within the context of different industrial sectors. Here conflict is employed as a means to promote individual and organizational learning and growth.


Cognitive conflict, Corporate creativity, Cross fertilization of ideas, brain storming, minimal instructions, Homogeneity, Mal-adaptability, lateral thinking.

How to Cite this Article?

Vadassery Gopakumar and Shamla N.K. (2012). Contributions Of Cognitive Conflict In Corporate Creativity. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 6(3), 46-56.


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